Airport ID: | KHQG |
Update Time (UTC): | 22/12/2024 07:00 |
Wind Speed (Knots): | 11 |
Wind Direction (Magnetic): | 210 |
Temperature (°C): | 1 |
Dew Point (°C): | -4 |
Humidity (%): | 68 |
Altimeter (inHg): | 30.1 |
Density Altitude (Feet): | |
Visibility (Miles): | 10 |
Clouds (Hundreds of feet): | CLR |
Present Weather: | |
METAR: | METAR KHQG 220700Z AUTO 21011KT 10SM CLR 01/M04 A3010 RMK AO2 |
The data displayed is for advisory purposes only and is not to be used for flight planning or operations.